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This is our best selling item. The ENAg Stick is a portable and handy way to treat water/juice/coffee/wine when and wherever you are. mainly used for energising water or any other liquids, on the go. Try twirling the ENAg Stick anti-clockwise for 5 seconds in your juice/water/coffee and taste the difference!The ENAg Stick comes in stainless steel. Our research has shown that BioCeramica pure ceramic products have so far lasted for 30 years - it is believed that they will last forever.'Tap water treated with ENAgStick (BC swizzle stick) is the closest to Victor Schauberger’s Living Water I used to drink when I was a child.'- Baroness Ednée DiPauli (Center Link)'Tap water swizzled with ENAgStick tasted less chlorinated.'- Dr Alan Williams (POM Committee, Campden Food & Drink Research Association)

ENAg Stick - Classic

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